Machine Learning

Basics of machine learning and neural networks, unsupervised learning.

neural network with a single neuron

The 1-Neuron Network: Logistic Regression

The most simple neural network. Learn how a neuron is working.

non-linear classification problem

Logistic Regression vs Neural Network: Non Linearities

What are non-linearities and how hidden neural network layers handle them.

garbage in, garbage out in a neural network

Overfitting Illustrated

One of the most important issues in machine learning, illustrated in a small 2D classification problem.

handwritten digits

Handwritten Digit Recognition with scikit-learn

Create a first simple neural network to classify handwritten digits.

real time person detection with colin

Real-time Human Detection with OpenCV

Let's use the HOG algorithm implemented in OpenCV to detect people in real time in a video stream!

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An introduction to clustering

Learn how to use clustering to find categories in unlabeled datasets, with python and scikit-learn