Articles python

boosting python with numba and cuda

Boost python with your GPU (numba+CUDA)

Use python to drive your GPU with CUDA for accelerated, parallel computing. Notebook ready to run on the Google Colab platform

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accelerating python with numba

Make python fast with numba

Python is an interpreted language, so it's flexible and easy to use, but it can be slow. Learn how to make it 100 times faster by compiling it for your machine, with just one line of additional code. Notebook ready to run on the Google Colab platform

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tiny spider

Fighting Bugs in Python

Everybody writes bugs. Let's see how to make sure they don't live long with debugging and unit tests. Introduction to pdb and unittest and a few advices for easy and reliable development.

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word encoding for natural language processing

Text Preprocessing For Machine Learning (yelp dataset part 2)

The yelp dataset is large, and it's in text format. Here are detailed explanations and all the code needed to convert it to a numpy array for machine learning.

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Simple Text Mining with Pandas

Prepare the yelp dataset (shop reviews) for natural language processing.

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anaconda logo

Install Anaconda for Machine Learning and Data Science in Python

General instructions to install Anaconda, which is used in most posts on this blog.

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